Dr. Gaines explains all the steps involved in a breast lift procedure. This procedure can restore a full, lifted look to the bust. Dr. Gaines takes a cautious approach to treatment to provide beautiful results and long-term satisfaction.
A breast lift or a mastopexy is an operation we perform for patients who feel as though their breast has maybe descended a little bit on their chest. The breast becomes a little more droopy or saggy, patients will say. And typically, that’s a patient who’s had one or two children, or sometimes not. Sometimes just a patient whose breast is a little bit lower on their chest wall than they’d like. And the operation to fix that, again, is a breast lift. And the way we accomplish that is with some small incisions around the areola or the nipple and then generally, at least, a vertical scar down the breast that helps us to gather the breast tissue and reposition the breast higher on the chest wall. Breast lift with a breast augmentation is a very common combination of procedures that we do. It’s usually for mothers or women who have had one or two children maybe, and at this point they notice that the breast tissue after breastfeeding, may shrink and it’s called postpartum involution. The breast gets a little smaller, in addition to moving down the chest wall. And the operation for that usually is what we call augmentation mastopexy. The way that’s done is through the same incisions; however at the same time as the breast lift, we’ll place a breast implant usually under the muscle, and then perform the breast lift on top of that. That’s a nice combination of procedures that restores some upper pole fullness or fullness to the breast higher up on the chest in addition to replacing the breast and nipple higher up on the chest wall. You know, breast augmentation — the lift — is one of those operations that patients typically are very pleased with. It seems to restore the breast back to a condition that it might have been in either prior to childbirth and breastfeeding, or just in general, a more youthful breast. Here at Gaines Plastic Surgery we have financing options available through CareCredit that will allow patients to finance the procedures that we do through this clinic, for up to six months with no interest.