Also known as a forehead lift, brow lift surgery is performed in order to reduce the appearance of deep lines and furrows along the forehead. The procedure is an effective and popular anti-aging method, allowing patients to appear years younger and much more refreshed. There are different methods of performing the brow lift, which we’d like to consider right now.
The Coronal Incision Technique
The coronal incision brow lift is one of the older versions of the surgery. During a coronal incision brow lift, an incision is made that spans from ear to ear along the upper frontal portion of the scalp. Through this incision, the underlying structures of the forehead area are revised and excess skin is removed. The remaining skin of the forehead is then pulled tighter to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Pros and Cons of Coronal Incision Brow Lift
Coronal incision brow lift is an effective method of eliminating lines and wrinkles and improving the overall appearance of the forehead area. A great deal of recontouring and sculpting can be achieved given the size of the primary incision.
The size of the incision, however, is one of the main disadvantages of the surgery. The incision is hidden behind the hairline and is hard to detect, yet some patients would prefer a less invasive surgical method that yields good results. Men who are likely to experience male pattern baldness should keep the incision size and location in mind.
Endoscopic Technique
The endoscopic brow lift technique is a newer form of brow lift surgery. During the endoscopic brow lift, a series of small incisions are made closer to the front of the hairline. Working through these incisions using small tools, a surgeon is able to adjust underlying structures of the brow area and remove excess tissue. The forehead area is then pulled tighter thanks to these incisions.
Pros and Cons of Endoscopic Brow Lift
The greatest advantages of endoscopic brow lift surgery are the less invasive scarring and the use of smaller incisions that are well-hidden. Excellent results can be achieved through surgery even with limited incisions made. Healing times tend to be better with the endoscopic brow lift as well.
The primary disadvantage to consider with the endoscopic brow lift is a potential limitation in the degree and type of wrinkle reduction that can be achieved.
Alternatives to Brow Lift Surgery
If the brow lift surgery is not an ideal option for you and your needs, there are alternatives that may prove helpful. Skin resurfacing procedures may be worth considering for minor lines and wrinkles, for instance. The use of dermal fillers or BOTOX injections may also be able to rid you of problematic lines.
During the consultation process, we’ll be able to go over all of these matters in much greater detail, helping you make the best choice for your needs and goals.
Contact Gaines Plastic Surgery
For more information about brow lift surgery and how it can help you look your best and your very youngest, be sure to contact our cosmetic skin care and plastic surgery center today. Dr. Greg Gaines and the entire team at the practice looks forward to meeting you in person and going over all of your treatment options.