Lower Body Contouring
Lower body contouring is an extremely important part of the body sculpting process. many people think that a tummy tuck is all you need after major weight loss, but issues with skin laxity can affect all parts of the body, including the face and the extremities. When you meet with a Gainesville plastic surgeon, you’ll receive a customized treatment plan that will address all of your unique issues with body contour and skin tightness.
Let’s first look at the butt lift and how it can benefit patients following major weight loss.
About Butt Lift Surgery
A butt lift surgery is performed in order to improve the tightness and contour of the buttocks following major instances of weight loss. This is not to be confused with the use of buttock implants, which add greater curvature to the buttocks, or a Brazilian butt lift, which is a fat injection treatment to improve the contour of the buttocks.
The Butt Lift Surgery Procedure
During a butt lift surgery, incisions will be made along the upper area of the buttocks just below the lower back. Through these incisions, excess fat will be removed using Gainesville liposuction. Excess skin tissue will also be removed and the remaining skin will then be tightened.
About Thigh Lift Surgery
A thigh lift surgery is performed in order to address contouring issues with the thighs. The surgery is also known as a thighplasty. All parts of the thigh can be addressed as the patient needs, including the troublesome saddlebag area.
The Thigh Lift Surgery Procedure
The incisions for the thigh lift will vary based on the needs of the patient. For issues related to the inner thighs, incisions are located in the groin area. For issues related to the outer thighs, the incisions are made around the upper side of the thigh and may span into the groin area. As with all body contouring surgeries, the procedure will involve the removal of excess fat and skin and the tightening of the remaining skin.
Tailoring a Body Sculpting Treatment Just for You
There are plenty of body sculpting and contouring options that we can use to improve your overall appearance. We can combine a number of different surgeries together in order to achieve a total body lift. Sometime individual body sculpting surgeries will work best, while other times combinations of procedures will be more ideal. We will be sure to discuss these matters in greater detail during your visit.
Learn More About Body Contouring and Enhancement
If you are interested in body contouring surgery or any other options for aesthetic enhancement, we encourage you to contact our Gainesville, Florida cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.