Dr. Greg Gaines combines extensive experience, finely honed surgical skill, and an eye for aesthetics to produce consistently exceptional results for his patients. You will emerge from lower eyelid surgery looking refreshed and rejuvenated, as though years had been lifted from your face, yet you will look completely natural. Because Dr. Gaines is a master of the discreet incision, and eyelid surgery is among the least invasive procedures in plastic surgery, you will bear none of the tell-tale signs of having undergone a surgical treatment. You will simply look beautiful.
Are you a suitable candidate for lower eyelid surgery for under eye circles? To find out the answer, we invite you to meet with Dr. Gaines for a confidential, one-on-one consultation at his state-of-the-art facility at your earliest convenience.
What causes under eye circles to form?
If under eye circles form as a result of age, why do some people develop them so much sooner than others? Or is age even the primary factor? In truth, under eye circles generally develop as the result of many different factors, including:
- Exposure to the elements, including the sun, wind, and dry environments
- A loss of the skin’s natural elasticity, which occurs over time
- A loss of volume in the skin below the eyes
- Sagging of the skin in the cheek region
- The migration of fat tissues from the eye sockets to the undereye area
- Smoking
- Poor sleeping habits
- A poor diet
Depending on your age and how long you have had under eye circles, you may be able to improve the appearance of your facial skin by making some changes to your lifestyle and skin care regimen. However, if you want to achieve the longest-lasting, most aesthetically pleasing results possible, then eyelid surgery is most likely your best bet.
How is lower eyelid surgery performed?
Lower eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure during which Dr. Gaines makes tiny incisions in the skin of the lower eyelid. Through these incisions, he removes excess fat and then sculpts the remaining fat to produce a more youthful and flattering appearance to the under eye region. The results of lower eyelid surgery can last for up to a decade.
The procedure can be performed on its own or in conjunction with other procedures, such as upper eyelid surgery, as part of a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation treatment plan.
Learn More about Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles
To learn more about lower eyelid surgery for under eye circles, please contact Gaines Plastic Surgery today.