About Liposuction
Liposuction is a popular body contouring surgery that is used to extract those problematic pockets of fat from different parts of the body. Liposuction is not for weight loss–in fact only a certain amount of body fat should be removed just to be safe–and we actually encourage patients to work hard on their own to reduce their body fat before turning to liposuction.
Using his know-how as an experienced Gainesville plastic surgeon, Dr. Gaines will determine if liposuction is in fact the best option for your needs and how it can best benefit you.
Different Techniques for Performing Liposuction
There are different ways of performing liposuction, and each way offers its own unique benefits over the old-fashioned techniques of the past. Let’s look at these different techniques for performing liposuction so you understand what it involves and how it can help you.
Tumescent Liposuction
This form of Gainesville liposuction involves the injection of a special fluid into the surgical site prior to fat removal. This fluid is full of an anesthetic as well as a safe agent that will help cause the fat in that area to firm up. This makes the fat easier to remove with the cannula, a hollow need that will use suction to extract the fat.
Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction
Ultrasonic liposuction is essentially just like tumescent liposuction but involves the use of a special cannula. This cannula is able to emit ultrasonic sound waves which will break up fat, liquefying it after it has hardened making extraction even easier.
Liposuction for the Upper Torso
Liposuction isn’t just performed on the stomach, the hips, and the buttocks. We can actually use liposuction to assist in breast reduction and lift surgery as well. In fact, there are areas of the arms that can be sculpted using liposuction, such as the shoulders and the tricep area.
Facial Rejuvenation and Liposuction
Many people don’t realize this, but some facial rejuvenation surgery treatments will use liposuction to help improve the overall appearance of the face. This means a little liposuction in the cheek area and neckline, and in some cases the area underneath the eyes.
Schedule a Consultation for Body Contouring Surgery
As you can see, there are plenty of ways that liposuction can be performed, and many different ways that it can benefit you. If you would like more information about liposuction and how it can greatly enhance your appearance and your features, contact our Gainesville cosmetic and reconstructive surgery center today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person to discuss your aesthetic goals.