Facial Rejuvenation and the Eye Area
The old cliché is that the eyes are the windows to the soul. It’s actually rather true, though the eyes can be deceiving. There are many cases in which you may look much older than you feel inside because of the appearance of your eyes. Wrinkles and sagging at the corners of your eyes can be addressed through a facelift, but the eyelids themselves are another story. To address those, you need to consider cosmetic eyelid surgery.
About Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Also known as blepharoplasty and eyelift, cosmetic eyelid surgery can help reduce the sagging of the upper eyelids as well as the puffiness and bagginess of the lower eyelids. Whatever the issue may be, addressing these problems through cosmetic eyelid surgery can have a dramatic effect on your appearance.
There are different surgeries available for the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid. Let’s take a brief moment to look at how each of these surgical procedures is performed.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
During an eyelift for the upper eyelids, an incision will be made along the natural crease of the upper eyelid. This will be done to ensure that the surgical scar is hidden once it heals. Through this incision, excess skin will be removed.
Sometimes Gainesville eyelid surgery is performed on the upper eyelids to create the fold in the eyelid. Doing so can help open up the appearance of the eyes, which is particularly helpful if they are very narrow.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
During an eyelift for the lower eyelids, an incision is made near the eyelashes of the lower eyelid. Through this incision, excess skin and tissue is removed to reduce puffiness. Some minor facial liposuction may be used depending on the needs of the patient.
Considering Your Options for Facial Rejuvenation
There are many other surgeries to consider for facial enhancement and rejuvenation, which is why it’s so important to meet with a Gainesville plastic surgeon for a consultation. This will give you an opportunity to discuss your many aesthetic goals and to find out how they can be met. By getting all the information that you need, you can make a well-informed decision about your appearance.
Learn More About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Treatments
As you can see, eyelid surgery and other cosmetic enhancements can be a great benefit to you. If you would like to learn more about cosmetic eyelid surgery and what it can do for your appearance, contact Gainesville cosmetic surgeon Dr. Greg Gaines today. He looks forward to discussing these matters with you in more detail during your consultation, where he can answer your questions and address all of your concerns at greater length.