Male direct neck lift procedures can reduce the appearance of loose, sagging skin underneath the chin. Dr. Gaines performs this procedure frequently. It can restore the youthful contours of the lower face and neck.
Here at Gaines Plastic Surgery, there is an operation called a direct neck lift. It’s an operation designed specifically for men. It’s an operation specifically designed to address the classic turkey neck, the problem we’re all familiar with that we as men may start to get as we get older. The skin of the neck starts to lose elasticity, and becomes a little redundant. It’s a nice operation. It will help to restore that sharper angle between the chin and the neck, and it’s relatively quick to do and quick to get over. The incision is on the front of the neck; however, it heals remarkably quickly. And what I like about this operation is most people are back to their usual activities within a week to a week and a half, and really a great deal of change for a fairly short and convenient operation. This procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure through our discreet, in-clinic ORs. Typically, it takes an hour to an hour and a half maximum. Here at Gaines Plastic Surgery we have financing options available through CareCredit. It will allow patients to finance the procedures that we do through this clinic for up to six months with no interest.